Akademija Open Up Wide s Kimspirational
tečaji, seminarji, meditacije, readingi in več...

3 zahval     1347 ogledov

Kim Doucette, znana kot Kimspirational, je Kanadčanka z indijanskimi koreninami, ki komunicira z nevidnim svetom in ima stik z duhovi umrlih prednikov in angeli. Bi se radi srečali z njo na insividualni seansi in izvedeli več o vašem življenju?

Svoje dragocene izkušnje in modrosti, ki jih je pridobila od šamanov iz Peruja in severnoameriških staroselcev uporablja pri svojem delu s posamezniki na individualnih seansah: reading (pogovor z duhovnimi vodniki), šamansko zdravljenje, partnersko svetovanje, regresija v pretekla življenja,… vodi delavnice in predavanja.

Na svojih individualnih posvetih-reading Kim dovoli Angelom in dušam, da nežno govorijo skoznjo in tako prenese sporočila, ter vam pomaga pri odločitvah na vaši življenjski poti. Na predavanjih in delavnica vas popelje na pot do višjega zavedanja. Postala je priljubljena med ljudmi, saj jim je znala pomagati zaradi svojih izkušenj, svojega daru in srčnosti.

Njene seanse so v angleščini in so lahko sproti prevajane.



Za tiste, ki razumete angleško vas ob tej priložnosti vabi, da se pridružite Open Up Wide!


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This is a fantastic opportunity for you and your friends to work together on personal and spiritual growth. Making meaningful CHANGES in our lives can be challenging, especially if we try to do it alone; that is why you can take a journey with your friends to discuss and share your thoughts. If there is anything I learned in life, it is not to let anything hold us back. Personal and spiritual growth is not a destination; it is a lifetime journey!

Invite 2 of your friends who need guidance about mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual balance, anxiety, health, letting go, or working on relations at this moment and could benefit from our content.

Share the 58% OFF coupon code ” SPECIAL58 ” with your friends.

After they subscribe to an annual subscription with 58% OFF, contact us at support@openupwide.com, and you will get a unique code for a FREE 1-year subscription.



What is Open Up Wide?

It is the perfect platform for anyone looking to empower themselves, discover their LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES, and balance their life.

If there is anything I learned in life, it is not to let anything hold you back. EMBRACE your power and unleash your full potential with Open Up Wide today!

When we take the time to reflect on our lives, identifying areas for improvement, and making concerted efforts to change, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and a greater sense of fulfillment.

Making meaningful CHANGES in our lives can be challenging, especially if we try to do it alone. 

That’s why it’s essential to have support and access to resources to help you on your journey towards personal GROWTH and TRANSFORMATION.

You will receive TEACHINGS that will empower you and give you fulfillment in your daily life.





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