For the artist to be
Every artist - musician, dancer, painter, sculptor, actor, director, architect, writer, martial artist, performer, etc. -, needs a space, a...n asylum, 'themenos'... of it's very own.
Sometimes very little is enough - a 'spot' in the soul. But, yes, definitely a space of some sort.
And if he's/heir's, yours, resources are unlimited, what kind of a space would it be?
- take a sheet of paper, pencil, pen, your imagination..:)
- draw the plan of your Studio with everything you need to create
- include kitchen, bathroom, bedroom in that plan
- include also what is outside (a sea perhaps, city, garden, people, garbage can
- and finally add the road, stairs, the way to your Studio of creativity
Interpretations will be posted on 20. of September. :)
You can post your plan, or not - as you wish.
Za Umetnike na poti:
Vsak umetnik - igralec, glasbenik, plesalec, slikar, kipar, pisatelj, režiser, arhitekt, performer itd. -, potrebuje prostor, studio, azil, themenos... izključno zase.
Včasih zadostuje zelo malo. Mogoče 'točka' v duši. Toda, da, prostor neke vrste je nujen.
In če bi bili njegovi, njeni, vaši viri neomejeni - kakšne vrste prostor bi to bil?
- vzemite list papirja, svinčnik, kuli, svojo domišljijo...:)
- narišite načrt studia z vsem kar potrebujete za ustvarjanje
- vključite v načrt kuhinjo, kopalnico, spalnico
- vključite v načrt tudi vse kaz je zunaj (morje, mogoče, mesto, vrt, ljudi, smetiščno kanto, itd.
- in končno dodajte tudi pot, stopnice, cesto do vašega studia kreativnosti.
Interpretacija bo objavljena 20. septembra. :)
Svoj načrt lahko postate ali ne - po želji.